Our Guide to Buying Land in
Maryland for Homes or Recreation

DMS Properties, LLC Residential Real Estate Services

Buying Land in Maryland

There are many things that need to be considered when you decide to buy land, regardless of the location.  This guide is designed to give you some basic information and guidance for buying land.  We are available to answer any questions that you have about the process.  We will also help you with your search for land.  Please feel free to Contact Us with any questions that you have.

Where Do You want to Search for Land?

We are currently actively working for clients in most Maryland Counties.  We are expanding throughout the rest of the State, too.  Here are the areas of Maryland that we currently serve where you can search for land to buy:

Calvert County Caroline County Carroll County Cecil County 

Charles County Dorchester County Frederick County  Garrett County

Harford County Howard County Kent County Montgomery County

Prince George’s County Queen Anne’s County Somerset County St. Mary’s County

Talbot County Washington County Wicomico County Worchester County

Here’s What You Need to Know

The first thing to consider when thinking about buying land in Maryland is whether or not the land is suitable for the purpose you have in mind.  Building a home is usually the main reason people think about buying land.  Some buyers just want land (acreage) for recreational purposes.  We have helped people buy land in Maryland to use for hunting.  We also helped one client buy a 5,000 square foot lot.  It was land that was unusable.  The land was located in a specific HOA that the buyers liked.  They used ownership of the land so that they could take advantage of the community amenities.

Buying LandThe main focus of our information here is for buying land in Maryland to build a home.  The degree of difficulty for building on a particular piece of land depends on many things.  Those include the zoning of the land, the status of school seat allocations, and the number of other active building permits in the area.  You also need to consider the availability of water and sewer and other infrastructure (electric service, natural gas service, roads, etc.).  Obviously, if natural gas isn’t available at a property, electricity, propane or oil for heating and cooking.  There are also other sources of energy that could be available.

The biggest hurdle is whether or not the land has access to public water and sewer services.  If it does, then the process is simpler.  It involves the jurisdiction that supplies the services.  If there is no public water and sewer available, there are additional steps and possible obstacles.  You would need to install and maintain a well for water and an on-site sewage disposal (septic) system for disposal of waste water.  For that to happen, you need to have a successful perc test done.  It is a good idea to choose a builder who will construct the home for you.  That person can be very helpful in the process and can work with us on the search for suitable land in Maryland.

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