Visit the Thomas Stone High School Official Site

Thomas Stone High School Google Map We are glad that you are searching for real estate information on our site.  This information is located on a page that is not maintained by DMS Properties, LLC Residential Real Estate Services Thomas Stone High  School is located in the community of Waldorf, Maryland.  

The school was named after Thomas Stone.  He was a political moderate who is remembered for signing the Declaration of Independence.  Stone was born in Charles County in 1743 and studied law in Annapolis, Maryland.

In 1775, he was elected to the Continental Congress.  During his four-year term, he served on the framing committee for the Articles of Confederation.

Stone became a Maryland State Senator in 1777.  He also served as chairman of the Congress of the Confederation in 1784, before returning to the state Senate.

Around this time, Stone’s wife, Margaret Brown, daughter of Dr. Gustavus Brown, became ill.  Because of her illness, Stone declined election to the Constitutional Convention.  Margaret died in July of 1787, and Stone died in October of the same year in Alexandria, Virginia.