Understanding Whom
Real Estate Agents Represent

DMS Properties, LLC Residential Real Estate Services

You Should Understand Whom Real Estate Agents Represent

All real estate brokerage companies operating in Maryland work under laws enacted by the General Assembly.  The laws are enforced by the Maryland Real Estate Commission (MREC).  Some of them discuss how real estate agents interact with the public.  The real estate agents at DMS Properties, LLC Residential Real Estate Services represent home sellers and landlords.  This means that we practice seller agent representation as outlined below.

Understanding Whom Real Estate Agents RepresentOne of the things we do for our clients is to show their properties to prospective buyers or tenants.  There are two ways that we can show properties.  We can show the home to a prospective buyer or tenant who requests agent representation.  That client will sign the Exclusive Right to Represent the Buyer/Tenant Agreement.  In this case, the disclosure is not needed.  It is only needed for “unrepresented” parties.

Things are a little different for people who want to see a property without signing an Exclusive Right to Represent Buyer/Tenant Agreement.  In this case, you will be our customer.  Maryland law deems you to be an “unrepresented” party.  Because we are representing ONLY the homeowner, you will be asked to review and sign the disclosure.  You are acknowledging that our agent is working in the best interest of the homeowner.  It also limits the amount of help we can provide to you.

Many customers refuse to sign this disclosure.  If you choose to not sign the disclosure, our agent is authorized by the MREC to complete it for you.  We will also indicate your refusal to sign.  This is part of the paper trail we maintain.  It proves to the MREC that we informed you of your rights as a consumer.

Please don’t hesitate to  Contact Us if you have any questions about this disclosure.  We will be happy to explain it to you in greater detail.


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