Can You Help Me Sell My Home
That is Located in Maryland?

Yes, we can.  DMS Properties, LLC Residential Real Estate Services became a full-service real estate company in Maryland on September 22, 2013.  Before that, our licensed real estate agents and property managers worked for other real estate brokerage companies.  Since that time, we have been help homeowners sell their home.

We hire agents that are well-versed in the art of listing and selling homes in Maryland.  Our licensed Real Estate Agents have sold over 300 homes so far.  Dale M. Servetnick, our Principal Broker, has sold over 265 homes during his real estate career.  This goes back to 2002.  He does not actively sell homes any longer, but supervises the real estate sales and trains our agents.

If you are interested in selling your home, the first step is for you to learn the fair market value of your home.  We can help you with that.  You can Request a FREE market analysis (CMA) of your home from us.  It normally takes only one business day for us to complete it for you.  We will then send it to you by e-mail.  This will be a “preliminary” market analysis and is based solely on any information you provide and what is available in the MLS.

The CMA will be in PDF so that you can save or print it.  After you have a chance to read the CMA, we will follow up with you so that we can discuss the best course of action for you based on your individual needs.  We would arrange a time to meet you at the home so that we can make adjustments to the CMA based on actual features of the home.  If your home needs any repairs or upgrades to maximize the potential sale, we can help you with that through our Homeowner Concierge Repair Service Program.  Everything can be done before you sell.