Love Our Interest Rate, but This
House Doesn’t Fit Our Needs Anymore

Does this quote apply to you?  If so, you’re not alone.  Many people want to move, but feel locked-in by their low mortgage interest rate.  It’s difficult to time exactly when things will really shift, but you will see here, there can be a price to pay when you put off your decision to buy or sell a house.

When you start to think that maybe it is the right time to consider a move, please feel free to reach out to us.  We will gladly chat with you about possible options.  Even if you’re considering relocating to somewhere other than Maryland, our Nationwide Referral Network is a good place for you to start.  We can introduce you to a great agent anywhere in North America.

Love Interest Rate But Not House

If you don’t love where you live or want to get closer to family, check out our Time to Move Buyer and Seller Survey.  It will give us information to help you start the process.  We would appreciate your participation.  We also have our Renter Housing Market Sentiment Survey that helps us understand the reasons the people rent a home instead of buying.

Love Interest Rate But Not House

Remember that we are always here to answer any questions you or your family may have related to real estate.   Working with a trusted, experienced agent is key.  We will help guide you along the way and ensure that your transaction goes smoothly.  and help you through every step of your future home sale or purchase.  Feel free to contact us today!

If you are not yet ready to move, we are also sharing with you some easy ways to enhance your home’s enhance your home’s interior and exterior.  A tidy home doesn’t only increase its overall value.  It also helps to reduce stress, leaves you less overwhelmed and can improve relationships with your family and neighbors.

This is an article that is part of our Client Appreciation Program and is found in the Real Estate Market category.