The Power of Random Acts of Kindness

The holiday season is now behind us.  When you take a moment to perform a random act of kindness, the benefits go well beyond the act itself.  You will see that this is a recurring theme every year.  We never truly know what is going on in someone’s life.  Taking the time for showing them you care, even with the smallest gesture, may be the one thing that can turn their day around.

Random Acts of Kindness

We are sharing some fun ways you can spread random acts of kindness.  These are simple but impactful things you can do for your friends, family, and others in the community.  One of the things that we do every year is participate in the Wreaths Across America ceremony.  We urge you to join us by donating wreaths to be placed on the graves of our Veterans.  Our focus is on the Cheltenham Veterans Cemetery, but you can participate at any location.  The 2024 ceremony will be held on December 14 at 12:00 pm.

Random Acts of Kindness

As always, we are thankful for the friendship and the kindness that we received from our friends and clients.  Please remember we are here to help you with any of your real estate needs or questions.

Kick Off the Holiday Season with an Attitude
of Gratitude to Your Friends and Family

Everyone loves to be appreciated.  Taking a moment to thank someone with a gift, a card or even just a compliment, can make their day.  Here are some tips on ways that you can show express your gratitude to those people who have had a positive impact on your life.  You can do this by writing a heartfelt personal note or posting a photo on social media.  Naturally, you can also express your gratitude verbally.


It’s also important to remember to be kind to yourself.  By following these techniques on practicing gratitude, you will feel happier and calmer.  Some of these techniques include starting a gratitude journal, taking time off to relax, and learning something new.

Kicking Off The Season with an Attitude of Gratitude

One way that you can spread gratitude and kindness is by hosting a gathering for your family, friends and co-workers.  This will give them an opportunity to partner with you to help a local nonprofit.  We are sharing some great ideas that can positively impact the world around you.

Spread the Gift of Kindness

We hope that you have a great holiday season.  Keep in mind that we’re available to help you with your real estate needs, along with other aspects of your life through our blog postings.  We would love to know which of them has impacted you.

Here are Ways to Start
Your “Gratitude Campaign”

An attitude of gratitude is everything.  The holidays are a great time to express that!  There are plenty of ways to show others you’re grateful for them.  You can start to Show Your Gratitude easily.  You can decide to call an old friend or drop off a dessert at a relative’s house.  These simple yet powerful actions can strengthen those relationships.


We are helping you kick off your own gratitude campaign for every holiday season.  The information here outlines easy ways to make someone’s day by demonstrating care or even performing some small, random act of kindness.  You will learn tips for writing a heartfelt personal note.  You will also learn how to assemble a small appreciation gift for your loved ones.  We also have creative ideas to reconnect with friends or family you’d like to stay in touch with more regularly.

Gratitude is the gift that keeps on giving!  When you ramp up your gratitude practice, notice the positive impact these small actions leave on others and yourself.  We hope these activities help you create more memories with friends, family and neighbors this season!

Digital Ways for
Showing Your Gratitude

In our new technical age, showing gratitude can be done even more easily than in the past.  There are many Digital Ways to Show Gratitude.  This can be done using digital gift cards.  It can be done by sharing “memories” on social media.  It can also be done by sending an eCard or a video message.

Digital Ways to Show Your Gratitude

Gratitude is the gift that keeps on giving!  When you ramp up your gratitude practice, notice the positive impact these small actions leave on others and yourself.  We hope these activities help you create more memories with friends, family and neighbors this season!

This is an article that is part of our Client Appreciation Program and is found in the Personal Development category.