What are the Latest Smart Home Trends?

The home technology industry has really taken off.  It’s easy to see why!  The vast array of innovative and exciting devices on the market provides endless opportunities to enhance the comfort, convenience and connectivity of your home.  To help keep you up to date on the latest and greatest smart home technology, we’re providing some of the top smart home trends that are happening right now.  They include kitchen appliances, decorative televisions, pet products and cutting-edge cleaning.

Smart Home Trends

These are only of few of the things that are available now.  Smart devices in the home are more popular than ever.  Often the biggest obstacle for homeowners looking into this technology is deciding where to start.  Here five smart technologies for your home.

Install a Voice Assistant

The most common way that homeowners get started with smart-home technology is by purchasing a voice assistant device.  There are several to choose.

The more sophisticated ones can offer touch screens and robust speakers. You can put them in popular areas in the house, such as the kitchen or bedroom.  Using them, you can look up information, play music, and control other smart-home devices.  From there, you can choose other smart-home products that are compatible with their voice assistant.

Set Up a Smart Thermostat

Energy-conscious homeowners may want to purchase a smart thermostat.  There are several to choose from and some of them work with the Voice Assistant.   One variety includes an additional occupancy and temperature sensor that you can put in any room of the home. Most systems have scheduling and geofence features that will adjust settings based on whether the owner is home using their phone as a presence sensor.

Install a Video Doorbell

Video doorbells have gained popularity because of some aggressive marketing.  There are several  great options.  A video doorbell allows homeowners to see who’s at the door.  You can also use it to monitor when packages arrive.  It can help you to avoid those pesky door-to-door salespeople.  If you don’t have a strong Wi-Fi connection, though, you may be disappointed with the video quality.

Change Your Lighting

 Whether you install a switch at the wall or just replace a few lightbulbs, smart lighting is a popular choice.  It can be used for convenience, security, and entertainment.  Some systems don’t require a neutral wire and can be controlled with voice or application.  It can be a great option for lighting up a room with color, and some include a variety of scenes that can help set the mood.  Smart lights and switches can also be integrated with a home hub and connected to other devices such as door or motion sensors.

Change to Smart Plugs

 Plugs are another cost-effective way to control “dumb” devices such as lamps, fans, or holiday lights.  This allows you to setup a variety of automations and use your smartphone or voice assistant to turn them on or off.  Some versions also include energy monitoring.  This can be used to trigger other automations or to simply let you know how much power they’re currently using.

How to Keep Your Smart Home Secure

While these items can make our lives easier, they are also a haven for would-be hackers.  You can protect them by securing your home network, staying on top of the updates and using a VPO if you are using public WIFI.

Smart Home Trends

Tips to Protect Your Smart Devices

Here are a few tips on how to keep your smart devices and your smart home secure.  If you have any questions or would like even more smart home recommendations, please contact us today.  We’re always happy to help and assist you!

Tips to Protect Your Smart Devices

This is an article that is part of our Client Appreciation Program.  It is found in the Technology category.  It is also found in the Home Improvement category.  We hope that you find it helpful.